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7 Fool-Proof Email Marketing Tips

  According to estimates, an astonishing  281 billion emails  are sent each day. Even when you divide that among the over 3.8 billion people who have at least one email account, this figure can make for a pretty messy inbox. To make sure your emails don’t end up in the dreaded spam folder, you’ll need to craft a clever, compelling campaign that grabs your audience’s attention . Here are seven email marketing tips to help you knock your next email marketing camp out of the park. 1. Remember Why Customers Love Email Despite what some experts like to claim, email marketing is far from dead. In fact, it’s actually thriving more than ever. But before you craft your next great campaign, make sure you understand what makes email marketing so effective in the first place. People like email because it’s quick, convenient, and is a great way to connect with their favorite brands. Through an email, a subscriber can learn about deals, product updates, and more. In short: email is useful, even if i